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The Physical Space that Houses the Project Soli Deo Gloria

The Soli Deo Gloria Project is located in the neighborhood of Aldeia, a few kilometers from Recife, in the city of Camaragibe. For those who are not familiar with the area, this neighborhood is known for its quality of life, with a significant connection to nature. The place is a green paradise, where we can contemplate God's creation with many plantations, birds, and rivers. With Genesis 2:15 echoing through our hearts, gradually, we have been endeavoring to bring dominion to the physical space where the project is located. The objective here is to bring every square inch under the control of beauty and order, for the benefit of all those who visit. We are seeking to develop the land so that its innate qualities may manifest in an abundance of food and beauty, providing healthy food for God's people, as well as showcasing the glorious fruits with which God has embellished His Creation. We desire that the physical space display His creational glory.

our space

Dream with us


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